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The Region 17 Education Service Center Gifted and Talented Cooperative aids districts as they design, implement, and conduct programs for advanced and gifted students that encourage skills in self-directed learning, thinking, research, and communication as evidenced by development of innovative products and performances, and ensures that districts are compliant with the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students.
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Need Help?
Profile Picture
Profile picture of Regan Lamberson
Regan Lamberson
Gifted and Talented Specialist

P: (806) 281-5789
E: rlamberson@esc17.net
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Profile picture of Sabrina Blankenship
Sabrina Blankenship
GT Online Learning Specialist

P: (806) 281-5884
E: sblankenship@esc17.net
Profile Picture
Profile picture of Kassi Walters
Kassi Walters
GT Support for Assessment Checkout, Attendance, and Certificates

P: (806) 281-5830
E: kwalters@esc17.net
Important Resources...
State GT goal
Texas State Plan...
State GT goal
TPSP Overview
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